10.10.2014 12:20
Estonian Waste Recycling Competence Center/Waste Recycling Cluster and the Estonian Asphalt Pavement Association/Road Cluster organised a conference titled “Use of recoverable materials in road construction”.
The aim of the conference was to promote the recovery of construction and demolition waste and to introduce options for the use of recoverable materials in both construction and road construction.
Conference programme is available here.
1. Quality management of mineral recycling products, use of recycled aggregates in Austria, experiences with green public procurement (eng)
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Car, Der ÖsterreichischeBaustoff-RecyclingVerband, Austria
2. Viable recovery options for construction and demolition waste (eng)
Christian J. Engelsen, SINTEF, Norway
3.1. Overview of OSAMAT project (eng)
Arina Koroljova, Eesti Energia AS
3.2. Intermediate results of OSAMAT project (eng)
Andres Brakmann, Ramboll Eesti AS
4. Possibilities to use recycled aggregates in road construction works, examples from Estonia (eng)
Ott Talvik, Tallinn University of Technology
5. Utilization of by-products of limestone industry in road construction (est)
Sven Sillamäe, TTK University of Applied Sciences
6. Overview of the research on use of oil-shale mining waste and oil-shale combustion ash (eng)
Marek Truu, Technical Centre of Estonian Roads
7. Practical examples of the use of waste and by-products in infrastructure construction works (eng)
Ville Niutanen, Lemminkäinen Infra Oy, Finland
Photos of the conference can be seen here.
Additional information:
Marit Liivik, Estonian Waste Recycling Competence Center/Waste Recycling Cluster, marit@recycling.ee
Märt Puust, Estonian Road Cluster, mart.puust@asfaldiliit.ee
The conference was organised with the support of Enterprise Estonia and the European Regional Development Fund.